OceanFirst Bank is committed to taking all possible steps to insure the safety and security of our customer's personal information. Please be assured that OceanFirst Bank does not solicit personal customer information by e-mail or telephone or through pop-up messages in online banking. We would not ask you to provide us with information such as your account number, credit or debit card information, social security number, password, mother's maiden name, date of birth or similar sensitive personal data.
Please be diligent in your own protection of this information. If you do receive an email or see a pop-up screen that appears to be from OceanFirst Bank asking you to provide personal information, please disregard the request and contact the OceanFirst Bank, Retail Customer Service department immediately at 1-888-623-2633 x7710. Only in instances where you have personally initiated the contact with OceanFirst Bank, and have confirmed you are speaking with an authorized Bank employee, should you verify personal information such as account numbers, debit or credit card numbers or your social security number.
Phishing attacks attempt to persuade a user to take action - for example, clicking a link that would lead to a spoofed site to capture logon data or to a site that would install spyware on the user's workstation. While some phishing attempts are easily identifiable by clumsy language or implausible circumstances, we've come across a few messages that are particularly well-crafted, and thought it worthwhile to share them with you.
The following are examples of plausible messages that may not be legitimate "alerting" the user that:
- New secret questions have been added to their profile; if something seems "wrong" then the user should click a link.
- An effort is underway to reduce spam. A link must be clicked to confirm the user’s email address.
- The user has joined a mailing list. One link must be clicked to confirm that the user has joined a mailing list; another must be clicked to remove the user from the mailing list.
- A password reset request has been received. One link must be clicked to confirm that the user has requested it; another must be clicked if the user did not request it.
Actual email message examples are reproduced below, including any errors in the messages. {Bracketed} information would be replaced by user/site specific information.
Secret Questions
From: {Site} [mailto:support@{site}]
Subject: Your {site} account information has changed
New secret questions were added to your {site} account.
To ensure that your account information remains accurate and secure we notify you whenever this information changes.
This change request was made on {date, time}
If the changes described above are accurate, no further action is needed. If anything doesn't look right, follow the link below to make changes:
{site} Account Services
Spam Reduction
From: {Site} [mailto:support@{site}]
Subject: Please confirm your email to
REFERENCE: Your email to .
You recently sent email to a mailbox that requires authentication of the sender to reduce spam. Before your message can be delivered you must confirm that you are the sender by clicking on the link below and then clicking on the "Deliver" button that will be displayed. Once you have completed this step, no further authorization will be required for future emails that you send to this address.
Please confirm your email by visiting the URL
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to fight spam.
{site} Account Services
Mailing List
From: {Recipient's email address} [mailto:{recipient's email address}]
Subject: Your confirmation is needed
Hello, {recipient's email address}.
Please reply to this email message to confirm your subscription to {site}.
Your email address has been entered for a subscription to the {site} mailing list. However, your new subscription requires a confirmation that you received this email message and want to join this mailing list.
To confirm that you do want to join click here
To unsubscribe immediately click here
Thank you,
Password Reset Request
From: {Site} [mailto:support@{site}]
Subject: Reset your {site} password
Hello, {recipient’s email address}.
We received your request to reset your {site} password. To confirm your request and reset your password, follow the instructions below. Confirming your request helps prevent unauthorized access to your account.
If you didn't request that your password be reset, please follow the instructions below to cancel your request.
Click on the following web address:
{web address}
Click on the following web address:
{web address}
Thank you,
NOTE: Please do not reply to this message, which was sent from an unmonitored e-mail address. Mail sent to this address cannot be answered.