Branch FAQs
You can order checks through our partner Deluxe. It will ask you to input information and to select a check type. You also have the option to contact us or go into a branch and place an order with an OceanFirst Bank employee.
The most basic checks we offer are $23.95. If you are above 60 years of age, you will receive our basic checks for free.
If the statements are not available online, you can visit your local branch or contact the customer care center. A bank employee can have these prepared and delivered. The fee is $5.00 per statement.
You must go into a branch that has Safe Deposit Boxes in order to open one. Visit our location directory and filter for the service.
If you use a non-OceanFirst ATM (domestic or abroad), there will be a $2.50 fee. There are no additional fees within the U.S. If you are traveling internationally, there will be an additional 1% fee assessed on all debit card transactions (ATM & POS).